Pregnancy Journal #3

Week : 31 weeks – 32 on fridayyyy!

Cravings : Negatory

Current mood: hungry and exhausted. Waiting for the husband to come home with the pizza.

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That belly though.Β 

Hey there internet friends!

It’s time for the my third pregnancy journal installment!

To be honest I don’t think I have too much to update you on this time. As per the rest of my pregnancy I’ve not really had any cravings, I’ve not been sick for a few months now. The main symptom I’m getting is that i’m just starting to get more and more tired. And paranoid, the baby kicks a lot but if it doesn’t for like an hour I start to panic about something being wrong D: I’m also alottttt more emotional than usual! Generally I just seem to cry all the time, even for happy things. Actually mostly for happy things, like cute pet videos.

Week : 30 weeks on Friday! (I’m third trimester now guys!)

Cravings : none?

Current mood: tiiiiired. Mentally and physically exhausted. I’m literally counting down the days until I start my leave!

We’ve had some crazy bad luck lately – it started with a couple of weeks back my car decided to break down on the way to work at like 6:30am and it took several hours for the tow truck to turn up. Then only a couple days later I was rear-ended in a work vehicle, literally around the corner from my work place. This resulted in several hours in emergency to monitor me and the baby and make sure everything was fine – which it was πŸ™‚ then a few days later we started getting ants all through our kitchen and no matter what we did they kept coming back, they went all through our pantry even – ugh ugh ugh. Then my husband noticed that cracks in our kitchen tiles we thought had occurred form us dropping glasses, etc (ok, mostly me) were actually lining up towards the window and becoming wider. The pavers outside the kitchen window were sinking and then the kitchen cupboards separated oh so slightly from the ceiling. Turns out there’s several houses in our estate which are having sinking issues D: luckily for us the estate is only three years old so we are all covered by the builders. On top of that my husband has been having some health issues.

Just hanging out, in the vines. Casually posing with my bump. As you do.

Naturally all these events put me into panic mode – we have to manage on one car, the house might fall down, we’re having a baby in like 2 months! WHERE WILL WE LIVE WITH OUR TINY HUMAN?! My mum was great with calming me down and ensuring me that everything will be covered by the builders insurance – including putting us up somewhere if we have to move out for a time. She also generously offered for us to stay with her with her new grandchild. haha. Not sure how moving back in with my parents would go at this point!

She also ensured me that pregnancy makes you emotional so I couldn’t trust my own emotions to tell me how I was really feeling. Thaaaanks mum. My husband assured me that all of this is a lot for anyone to deal with and I am allowed to panic away.

Then, when I got that out of my system – the eternal optimist, I seem to bounce back reasonably quickly in hard times, which is lucky because (in my opinion) my husband is an eternal pessimist. (He claims he is a realist, but I maintain only a pessimist would call themselves a realist). we finally got off our butt (read: bugged my father in law who works at a car dealership) to find that bigger family car we’d been discussing getting to fit our obvs giant family of four when the baby arrives (including our first born, fur baby Max, obviously). and today we paid for (ouch) and picked up our shinyyyy newwww (second hand) car! I am so excited, it’s a 2013 model and I’ve never driven something so newwwww! It even has that high tech reversing mirror! No more reversing into telephone poles for me (let’s hope!).

The builders are sorting things out for the estate and things are improving for Patrick, So things are looking up!

Yes, so apart from me racking up too much money booking things for this baby shower I am planning for my tiny new addition (it’s mostly for me, let’s be honest), and forcing my husband to take pregnancy photos of me at the beach this weekend just gone, I think that’s really all I have to update you on!

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Attempting to master that pregnancy fashion, but mostly just emulating a beached whale πŸ˜›

I didn’t go to work today because I slept very badly last night – I woke up around three feeling sick, and convinced myself that our dinner last night had given me listeria (that pregnancy paranoia), woke up my husband in a panic and then cried and complained for a while. I was fine, of course, actually it turned out it was gas 😐 fun times. But then I couldn’t get back to sleep, and passed out around 7am after texting my boss that i’d definitely be a no show at work today. I slept until about midday and was exhausted all day. It hits me really hard at this point if I don’t get a good nights sleep, then I feel guilty because my boss has two kids under 5 and a pregnant wife and it seems rude to complain to him about being tired (growing a human is exhauuuusting). I used to never take sick days, I’d work from home if I really had to take a day off, but since being pregnant I feel like I’ve had at least one a month and lately one a fortnight! Luckily for me I’m getting closer and closer to the shining maternity leave light at the end of this looong pregnancy tunnel. I’m literally counting down the days (20 exactlyyy) until my morning alarm no longer has to be repeatedly snoozed five times before I finally drag myself out of bed and attempt to be a productive human being for the day.

My husband and I literally talk about our parental leave like we will have all this time to spare. haha. Cue ‘informative’ inboxes from sleep deprived parents. Jokes on you guys when I have the world’s first baby who sleeps through the night and never screams. πŸ˜€

I recently saw a blog post of a blogger I am obsessed with, my girl crush @Dicolaaa – who happens to be about a month behind me pregnancy wise, also has a first born beaglier who is literally the love of her life and a husband called Patrick. Coincidink much! She is also a gorgeous bronze beach babe who is effortlessly cool and I have come to terms with the fact that no matter how much time I spend attempting to tan my freckly white skin and tying pretty bandannas on my head I will never, ever be a laidback, tanned, fashionable babe, or cool :(. Any whoooo, she did a blog post which was an open letter to her unborn baby. I thought this was such a sweet idea that I think my next pregnancy installment might just be something like that.

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So pale, so freckly.

Anywho, my husband’s finally home with the pizza πŸ˜€ so I’m signing out!

All the love to the few who read this πŸ™‚


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